First online project coordination meeting

Due to restrictions related to Covid-19 pandemic, the kick-off meeting of the project was organised online on November 13, 2021. It was organised and coordinated by Travelogue Associazione di promozione sociale (Coordinator of the proejct, Italy).

All partners attended the meeting, for a total of 7 participants.

Before the meeting, each project partner was invited to share some informative material to better present its organisation to the partnership (i.e. leaflet, website, video, power point presentation etc.).

During the meeting the following aspects have been discussed:

  • Presentation of the participants and partner organisations: Each partner shared a presentation of its organisation before the meeting and introduced himself/herself and his/her organisation at the beginning of the meeting.
  • Project overview – partnership, duration, objectives, target groups, activities and working plan, distribution of tasks, results: The coordinator presented the project, its objectives, activities, working plan and expected results. The partner discussed about a re-planning of the project timeline, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and related travel restrictions. The first transnational project meeting in Italy has been delayed and probably also the first Learning Teaching and Training Activity in UK (supposed to be in January 2021) will be delayed. The discussion focused mainly on LTTAs participants, objectives and program.
  • Definition of the structure and methodology of Local activities 1:
    The first activities to be carried out at local level in each country will be: Diagnosis and analysis of situation of adult education and career guidance services for adults over 35 in the partner countries; identification and collection of good practices in the field of adult education and career guidance for adults over 35; Mentoring activities for adult learners for the self assessment of their skills and analysis of learning needs.
    Travelogue APS and ACD La Hoya will prepare a draft of the structure of the analysis, in order to better define its contents and the methodology to carry it out, in order to gather similar information in each partner country/context.
  • The coordinator provided to the partners guidelines for project implementation and financial management, a partner agreement has been set up to regulate the collaboration among the partnership.
  • Monitoring and evaluation, communication, information and dissemination: The coordinator presented M&E tools, tools for internal communication and guidelines for project visibility and dissemination following EACEA’s guidelines. The coordinator will set up a Freedcamp platform for the project management and all project coordinators will be added to facilitate internal communication and the management of the proejct.
  • Project logo, website structure and design: Travelogue APS will be responsible of the creation of the project logo and website. The partners will contribute with proposals for the project logo.

Another online meeting will be organised in order to deeply define the possible dates, contents and participants for LTTAs.


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