TC4: blended mobiliy for adult learners, online and in Marsciano (Italy)

From 28 June to 3 July 2022, Marsciano (Italy), was the chosen venue for the TC4, the blended mobility for adult learners, the last training opportunity within the project “RE-IN-JOB – Non-formal education for adult inclusion social and re-employment “. This training week organized by the local association of social promotion “Travelogue”.

The learners had the access to appropriate online resources delivered on this platform for a proper preparation of the learning mobility, in the previous days.

The virtual activity was organised with 1 videoconference on June 20th and 4 days of self-study through the platforms and At the end of the virtual activity an online questionnaire was submitted and filled by the participants, for a self-assessment of their competences and to evaluate the satisfaction of the learners about the online modules attended.

The training provided for the presence of 4 adults for each partner country of the project (Spain, United Kingdom, France and Czech Republic), of which 1 chosen as group leader and in charge of on-site training in its specific session, unfortunately we have not had participants in attendance from France and Czech Republic, but only the training session delivered in streaming.

Group leaders from different European countries took turns in the different training sessions to bring their contribution to the event: Grazziella Combatti (AIIJ) presented the meaning and differences about formal, non-formal and informal education. She explained the concept of competence and the 8 key competences in accordance to the EU recommendation. She finally presented some tools for the recognition and validation of key competences, such as the Youthpass and Europass certificates.

Yasmin Akhtar (GOAL!CIC) deeply presented the Personal, social and learning to learn competenc session and the competition for creating the best business plan.
The group leader and director of the “GLAFKA” association of the Czech Republic led the online session “Digital competences, ICT tools and useful websites to favour employability”.
The “How to search for learning/training/job opportunities in EU” workshop was conducted by ACD LA HOYA while Valentina Mastrini , the project coordinator for Travelogue APS, led the session “Selfreflection, how to discover one’s own skills and attitudes” and presented the Europass platform, and how to use some of the tools provided there by the European Commission: the Europass CV, the cover letter and the European Qualifications Framework.

The last session was held by Nicola Cirocchi (Travelogue APS), a professional photographer in charge of the video-recording and creation of the final output. He presented some guidelines and tips for collecting ideas and creating the contents of the Video Vademecum. He provided some technical equipment for recording the videos and gave instructions to the learners. The learners were divided in 3 groups for creating the contents related to 3 topics: key competences, digital tools, Erasmus+ programme. Supported by the facilitators, the learners created the contents and the storyboard of the video and recorded the videos with the smartphones.

The mobility was enriched by several interesting moments such as the greeting of the Deputy Mayor and a councilor of the Municipality of Marsciano, and of cultural study thanks to the visit to the Museum of Marsciano, to the local sensory garden and to the visit to the “La Semente” social cooperative of Spello.

After the delivery of the certificates of participation, the group said goodbye and made an appointment to meet again at the final conference of the Re-in-job project, scheduled in Marseille (France) in September.


The participants were 4 (1 participant per organisation as group leader) from ACD LA HOYA, AIIJ and GOAL!,  6 from Travelogue APS and 1 from GLAFKA (online only) for a total of 19 participants. They were adult people between 20 and 50 years old from the partner organisations.


The aim of this activity was to develop key competences with a focus on Personal, social and learning to learn competence and Digital competence, as well as to improve soft skills useful to deal with finding and maintaining employment.


  • Key competences and formal, nonformal and informal education
  • Personal, social, learning to learn competence
  • Visit to the sensorial garden and vegetable garden, intercultural aperitif
  • Visit to the social cooperative “La Semente”, cultural visit of Spello
  • Selfreflection, how to discover one’s own skills and attitudes
  • How to search for learning/training/job opportunities in EU
  •  Europass CV and cover letter
  • Visit to the Museum of brickworks and terracotta
  • Business Idea and Business Plan – concept, function and structure
  • Tips and contents for the “Video Vademecum for active participationand active job search for adults”



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  1. Pingback: Last transnational Project Meeting and Final Conference in France – RE-IN-JOB

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